Welcome to our virtual farm!

Chengwatana Farm is a beautiful place located on a dead-end road in the small rural community of Palisade, Minnesota, U.S.A. (Map)
The Willow River forms about two miles of the property’s boundary, and provides water for supplemental irrigation of vegetable gardens if needed. It is also a popular recreation river for canoeing. The Willow River joins the Mississippi River within a few miles of the farm. Of the 200 acres we call home, about half is forested; the other half is open meadows, pasture, and cropland.

Duluth, Minnesota is 1.5 hours away by car, and Minneapolis-St. Paul are about 2.5 hours drive from the farm.

For the time being, we have chosen not to apply for organic certification, but have been growing crops and livestock in accordance with the U.S.D.A. National Organic Program for ten years. Even before that time there were no chemical fertilizers or pesticides applied – the only crop at that time was hay.

Our vision is of a closed system of animals, vegetables, fruit trees, and forage crops that feed each other in a cycle of nutrition and decomposition. Livestock manures combine with carbon sources and vegetable and fruit wastes to form high-quality compost which is applied to gardens, orchards, and fields.

Visitors are welcome at the farm – every season has something fun and exciting happening. We hope to provide an opportunity for young people (of all ages) to learn about natural ways of growing, cooking, preserving, and healing, as well as a variety of survival skills and crafts. Winter is as serenely beautiful as summer at Chengwatana Farm

We are also a host farm for WWOOF (worldwide workers on organic farms) and welcome travelers who want to stay for a time and work with us. Learn more under “Community.”